Industry conference for Mine Action market participants by UAGR

August 22, 2024

The Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining (UAHD) held the first industry conference for mine action market participants. The conference was attended by the majority of Ukrainian mine action operators who are members of the Association, suppliers and manufacturers of equipment and protective equipment for deminers, governmental and non-governmental international organizations. During the conference, the issues of current interest to market participants were raised, and presentations were made by speakers. The Ukrainian Association of Humanitarian Demining held such a conference for the first time and received the most positive feedback, which motivates us to hold such events with regularity once a month.
We are grateful to everyone who joined this event:
Free Way
Igor Zabolotnyi
Sheriff Holding
Patron Demining
Polish Investment & Trade Agency – PAIH
Andriy Kushnir
@Linkastr Demining LLC
Risk Control LLC
Mellom Pro LLC
Sheriff Demining LLC
@Grom 2023 LLC
Epicenter Safety LLC
Encompass Demining LLC
Global Clearance Solutions Ukraine LLC Ukrainian Armor
@Ailand Systems
UKRTAC Education Department Store
Dmitry Titov
Universal Insurance Brokers and Consultants
NGO Humanitarian demining fund-Irpin
Intertrade-Ukraine Limited LLC