Our team

DIRECTOR/CEO (PhD in Law)He obtained his first higher education at Dnipropetrovs'k State University with a degree in Computer and Intelligent Systems and Networks Studies. Qualification: System Engineer.
He also earned a law degree from the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy and later held senior management posts at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, was a lecturer at the Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs and is the author of more than 20 scientific research papers.

ENGINEER IN PYROTECHNICS, DEMINING AND EXPLOSIVE WORKSGraduated from the Military Engineering Institute of the Podil State Academy. Specialization: Application and activities management of the Civil Defense mechanical units.
Bachelor of Military Studies, tactical level army officer. In 2015, he participated in the anti-terrorist operation at the East of Ukraine. Repeatedly honored with state and institutional awards.
Бакалавр військових наук, офіцер військового управління тактичного рівня. У 2015 році брав участь в антитерористичній операції. Неодноразово заохочувався державними та відомчими нагородами.

HEALTH & SAFETY ENGINEERGraduated from the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Academy of Ukraine with a degree in law. Legal professional. He also graduated from the Military School of Engineering and Communication Forces & is qualified as a Social Psychologist and Pedagogue.
Also trained in the following specialties: labor protection; sapper (de-mining), first aid specialist under the Level II "First on the scene" training program.